
emerging from the fog

To be honest, these last couple months have kind of been a fog. I think adjusting to two little ones, doing the no-sleep newborn stage and trying to figure out what was making Piper Jane cry all the time kind of buried me.

The great news is that in the last week or two, we've turned a corner around here. It feels like some semblance of 'normal' has returned, like we're getting into a routine, re-entering the world and finding our groove as a family of four. Burke is still naughty as can be, but I'm going to blame that on him being two... And, it turns out that Piper Jane is quite the content little sweetheart when she's not in pain. She's smiling all the time, which just melts our hearts.

Oh how I've missed you, normal life (well, normal-ish life)... it's nice to be back.

ps- If I've dropped the ball on something I was supposed to do for you, or if you've gotten in touch and I haven't gotten back to you, I am so sorry! I probably should've been making a to-do list along the way, but I didn't, so if you still need something from me, please let me know!

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