
fixin' it

"I fixin' it, Mama," is Burke's favorite phrase lately.  His definition of tools is rather loose (tonight he fixed his toy truck with scissors, and then with a hot glue stick), but his passion for tinkering is clear.  Or maybe he just likes hanging out with his dad, who always seems to be fixing scooters or motorcycles or something around the house. :)

ps- I know many of you keep up with Adam's dad's health stuff through their caringbridge site... if you hadn't heard, though, things have been pretty rough these last couple weeks.  We sure do appreciate your prayers...

1 comment:

Megan said...

So sad to hear about Adam's dad. I've been praying for you all! It was amazing to read about the conversation his parents had about what they were both going to do after this is all over. Tears were streaming down my face, but it was such a beautiful story!