
an annual reading of babyproof

This weekend, Burke and I came down with some sort of hell-ish stomach bug. You know the kind. Yuck.

So yesterday afternoon (with everything in my pantry and fridge still yelling off-limits) I settled on a chaise lounge in the backyard, pulled out a library book that I check out annually and proceeded to read and read and read. Oh and get a bit sunburned (as a total aside- how great is a fall day if you can still get sunburned? fabulous!).

But back to my yearly reading of Babyproof by Emily Giffin... If you haven't read it (and actually like lighter, chick-lit-ish reads), pick up a copy next time you're at the library. Even though it is slightly smut-esque, each time I read it, I am overwhelmingly thankful for my husband and my life. That in and of itself is enough reason to read this book once a year.

I haven't quite put my finger on why exactly this book has that same effect year after year... I guess that sometimes the everyday-ness of life slowly wears down the wonder (or even notice) of the tremendous blessing that is my husband. I think that at the beginning, I maybe paused more frequently to think, "I cannot believe this... this person that is almost too good to be true somehow returns my feelings of affection and is willing to put up with my quirkynesses... what!?!?!" And now, every once in awhile, I think it's good to be reminded of that truth.

With all of the craziness and stress that has been dental school and the rest of this last year, Adam remains an incredible gift- and one not to be taken for granted. If I were to piece my life together all over again, there are all sorts of little bits that I would swap or change. But I would not in a million years want a different husband. Thanks for the reminder, Emily Giffin. :)


pjmj said...

i think i needed that reminder this morning as i was quite frustrated with my husband yesterday. i'll keep him! :) oh & my sister & i just read something borrowed by emily griffin.

Scott and Deb said...

perfect timing! I was just looking for something light to read on our trip this weekend. Thanks!