
yay for spring break!

Between Adam's Craziest Semester Ever at dental school, my constant state of vomit, Mark's ever-looming (and unforunately, ever worsening) cancer and more snowy, freezing days than I care to recount, this winter has a been more than a bit rough around here.  Especially when it comes to family time.  We just haven't had any. Yuck.

Enter our little spring break jaunt to Mexico last week.... "Ahhhhh," pretty much sums it up.  Time as a family, warm weather, a beautiful beach.  Sheer glory, I tell you.  Burke's highlights were the seagulls (yep, he loves them... LOVES them), the hermit crabs/live shells, the pool, the 'broken light' (there was one burned out lantern-type light on the path to our room and, for whatever reason, Burke was fascinated by it... there's a picture of him sitting on it at the bottom of the page), and his little girlfriend Aliya who kept trying to kiss him (I should clarify that, while he definitely loved Aliya, he was less than amused by the public displays of affection- haha!).  Good times for the whole family.


Brittany and Chase said...

so fun! glad you got to be in the sun and enjoy sweet family time! Hope it starts to warm up in Denver soon.

Tricia said...

aahhh... i've been waiting for these! great pics. looks like you guys had the vacation you wanted:).
PS. while it may have snowed in Denver last week... i'm pretty sure your mom said it was 80 there today. yes, 80. We havent seen 80 in a while.

Leslie said...

Hooray for you! So glad that you enjoyed your fun in the sun!