Finding grace in the in-betweens, detours, and tree trails of life.
buena vista part 2
I have such a special spot in my heart for this place y'all... over the last few days, I've been trying to dissect exactly why BV is so special to me and have decided that it is a combination of nostalgia, small things that I love (dipped cones at Kay's, the streams winding through grandpa's land, fruits of the forrest pie at Bongo Billy's coffee shop, picking raspberries from the more-massive-and-wonderful-than-you-can-imagine garden), the natural beauty and the accumulation of years of fantastic memories I've made here. And I think it makes it more special that Adam has loved this place since he was little and wrote me approximately five hundred letters postmarked BV when he was working at Frontier Ranch in college. I can't wait for Burke to love this place as well...
Anyhow, the rest of our week was just as glorious as the first half... relaxing and restful (which is hard to imagine considering that Adam was in the mountains backpacking and fly fishing and I had sole responsibility for Burke) and full of fabulous girl time with my sisters, sister-in-law, mama, and various friends and family that were in and out for parts of the week. Dad is hoping to make this guy backpacking-and-flyfishing trip an annual event- hopefully the girl-week-in-BV is its natural counterpart. :)
...I know you know this, but I love love love it too. So great to spend a week there with you girls.
so glad y'all had such a wonderful and special time together. loved all the pictures. the three little ones are so darn cute!
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