
just like his mama

Burke mostly takes after Adam- in his looks, his temprement, his mannerisms... But lately there are things cropping up that he and I share. Our shared love for cleaning and cleaning supplies for example (wouldn't it be great if that stuck?), his PASSION for popcorn (a riot to watch), his love for berries (we haven't tried pomegranates yet) and his can-sense-it-from-a-mile-away affection for cookie dough. What a funny kid!


Evette said...

He is very funny kid and we love him so much! He has the best of both of you.

Mandy said...

i cannot wait to see burke again. i can't believe how blonde his hair is!
k-so dave is on a camping trip, but i will talk with him about getting together with you guys when he gets back.

mid to late septemberish??

Mandy said...

i'm thinking a the 19th or the 26th (both saturdays) what's burkes napping sched like these days?

wanna email me? mandyhoule@gmail.com