
happy kirstin day!

When we were first married, a few times a year, we would deem a Saturday "Happy Kirstin Day" or "Happy Adam Day." The person-of-honor would get to do all of their favorite things, eat at their favorite places, peruse their favorite shops (and maybe aquire an item or two after the perusing) and just generally have a day filled with stuff they love. Usually my days included a trip to Starbucks AND Sonic, sushi, new clothes, wandering through some cute little boutiques, a book store, a great wall of chocolate from PF Changs, and some sort of creating (I didn't even have a sewing machine then, so my crafting always involved paper).

This tradition has fallen by the wayside (it needs to be reinstituted, does it not?). However, my wonderful, fabulous mama gave me my very own Happy Kirstin Day earlier this week. A whole day, minus Burke, to use as I please. She suggested a massage (I have a gift certificate from Mother's Day that I haven't used yet). But friends... and I know this will sound so silly... all I wanted to do was finish up some items that just linger (and linger and linger) on my to-do list. And, in the spirit of a true Happy Kirstin Day, my mom was fully supportive of my plans to wittle that baby down.

So I cleaned my craft room... for hours. I can't tell you the feeling of glee that I have when I walk into my OH SO FABULOUSLY ORGANIZED room now. Everything tucked away into neatly labeled containers, fabric folded and put away, an ironing board at the ready for my sewing projects, all the Juju chaos organized... seriously, glee. I'm a little embarrassed to put a picture on here, because I know that craft rooms are supposed to be all the way coordinated and inspirational and mod decor-y and mine is mostly repurposed containers and not mod decor-y, but just look at how clean it is and forget about all that stuff.

I also meandered through the clearance section at Target, tried a few items on without my white haired gibbon dashing around, and bought a super cute dress for six bucks (it's alarmingly short, so you'll seen it worn as a shirt).

And I pulled out all of my January-October Christmas gift purchases, just to assess and see what I have and still need to buy. I even wrapped the gifts I've already bought.

It seems that all that remains of Happy Kirstin Days of yore is a trip to Sonic... how times have changed my friends. Though, I wouldn't trade my-life-now for my-life-then for anything, so I guess it evens itself out. Thanks for the Happy Kirstin Day, mama! :)

***ps- This has nothing do with my day o' glory... but if you live in Denver, it's still pertinent. Jordi will be here for Thanksgiving (not Christmas like I initially put) and is offering her photographic genius to a few families. She'll do a mini family photo shoot (around an hour) and make you a Christmas card pdf file using your newly taken, gorgeously wonderful family photos (check out her photo Christmas cards at the etsy site) for $60. I would gush and gush about the pictures she's taken of us in the past, but her pictures (above) speak for themselves.... Let me know if you're interested.


jordan said...

i love your clean craft room!

JW said...

It's kind of like Most Beautiful Princess in the World Day? (I remember that, thought it was cute. :)