

I kind of don't know where to start in the world of catching up... The last few weeks have felt chaotic, to be honest.  And exhausting.  And different than we thought.  For something that we knew was coming (Mark's death, that is), it is still such a shock to have him gone.  Sounds funny, I know.

And in the meantime, there have been cousins and aunts and uncles in town  (which means outings and ice cream and gardening)
and a more-than-I-could've-asked-for baby shower
and a garage raising (when we're all the way done, I'll post before and after pictures... it's amazing)
and a mini-trip to Lake City

and an AWFUL return of pregnancy sickness (did you even know the vomiting could go away and then come back?  Well, I am here to tell you- it can!) and a tremendous outpouring of support and care from the people around us.  I actually am going to write a whole blog post about how to care for people well in the middle of rough stuff because people have done such a great job of supporting and encouraging us.  Sometime soon, I hope.

It feels like so much has happened in the last few weeks and that I should do a better job of capturing it all.  But that is more than a bit overwhelming to my still-so-tired self.  So this will have to do for now. :)


lfhcreative said...

Sounds like you deserve a long summers nap after the past couple weeks you have endured. So glad your sisters got to come be a bright spot in a rough time.

And yeah, about the return of morning sickness.... It's horrible! I had it with my daughter ( thinking a girlie for you!) and I felt 1000 times better the instant she was born. I hope the sickness passes soon!

mom/carla said...

After seeing these pictures (each brought a smile for different reasons), I was reminded of how much really happened in the span of several weeks....soooo much in the past month. I'm glad that the weather was grouchy for a couple of days so that you were forced to take it easy. or at least slow down a bit!