

Burke's "shades of white" nursery has been finished for many months... except for this final project (sorry I haven't posted pictures yet... perhaps when I get these done I'll actually take some pictures). His name letters (made out of a cardboard-y material) are sitting on his shelf, still unfinished. Any ideas for how to make these into lovely works of art that go with the "all white" theme???


Anonymous said...

You are so cute. :)

I might antique them! Or cover with some cute, (little)manly faux suede and stitch with white yarn along the seams of the cardboard. Very mini-daniel boone.

Or use white yarn or twine to cover/overlay a different pattern and texture on each with the matching medium . . . horizontal, diagonal, swirly circles . . .


kirstin said...

oooh- love the twine idea... sort of like embroidery on cardboard. :)

jordan said...

haha- I was going to get on here and say I loved the twine idea! or the antiquing idea. fun fun!