
5, 5, and 3

Loved this on Jordi's and Trish's blogs and thought I'd do it too!

5 things I hope to accomplish in 2009:
-read the entire old testament (haven't done that since college!)... should you care to join me, I found a website that has all sorts of bible reading plans
-run the Colfax half marathon with my mama
-get better at menu planning
-get my letterpress up and running
-practice hospitality by having people over for dinner a couple times a month

5 things I am proud of accomplishing in 2008:
-having burke!
-starting kojo
-living on our crazy-below-the-poverty-line budget
-selling the flip house
-improving communication with my husband (though, actually, the biggest changes I've seen are in adam... but I feel like communicating more effectively has cut out a huge chunk of our silly fights which is glorious!)

3 things I am not so proud of in 2008
-not maintaining friendships as well as I could have
-not ever figuring out a way for adam and I to spend time with the Lord every day in the new dental school schedule
-allowing what people think to effect me more than it should

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