I have friends who have entirely written off the idea of having it all together. They scoff at Martha Stewart place settings as being too perfect, use their clothing to express their independent, artsy vibe and generally scorn anything that would appear in a pottery barn catalog.
Not so for me. I actually spend a lot of time wishing that I had it all together. My perfectionistic, overachieving, people pleasing, detail-oriented tendencies make a lethal combination in this regard.
I wish:
-that my house was always clean... not clean like tidy, clean like container store closets, gleaming refridgerator, bleached grout, and no dust bunnies under the couch
-that my outfits looked like J Crew catalogs- perfectly compiled to look like I'm not trying, but fabulously accessorized and complete with gorgeous kelly green heels and an italian wool/cashmere blend jacket
-that Burke had little indie organic onesies under cashmere cardigans and that my baby bag and burp rags and high chair had fancy euro mod names like oi-oi and zutano
-that my purse was always organized and not stuffed with receipts (for the budget), baby socks (for the teensy), and a pom pom maker (I've got to take that out of there) and that my car was always clean as well
-that I had the 'perfect thing' for each occasion... nike running tights for my jogs around the park, a gorgeous little cocktail dress for the dental school christmas party
But mostly I wish that the value I place on living simply would trump all these crazy wishes and that I wouldn't put so much stock in having it all together. It's not working so far.
I was surprised to see this post coming from you because to me you always totally seem like you have it together. You and Burke both always look so adorable AND I love all of the creative things that you are always making. I know what you are saying though, having a baby makes it seem like you have it less and less together. I have joked lately that I have turned into the appointment misser, which NEVER would have happened before having Jack.
kirst... you and I could probably sit and discuss this for hours. I'm totally on the same page, thinking like this all the time. I wish being perfect wasn't so appealing.
I love you and your desire to use everything God has given you wisely.
jess, you're funny and cute. we fake it well, burke and I. :)
trish... yep.
and jord, thanks for the encouragement. hopefully the me that you love (the one that wants to be a good steward and not a materialistic barbie) is the me that prevails in this. :)
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