

So I gave up sweets for a month. Not because of lent or anything like that, just because of the sugar binge that had been my life since, oh, I visited jord and drew at the beginning of february and cleared out their candy drawer.

Anyhow, giving up sweets is hard for me. I love them. However, it's been a good month for a bunch of reasons. I don't feel like I would bleed maple syrup if you pricked me- that's one reason. I lost a couple pounds (though the goal was more detox than weight related). The best part of the whole month, though, was realizing how many sweets I eat purely out of habit. I figure, "It's sweet and I like sweets, so I should eat it," or worse, "If one cookie was fabulous, two cookies will be wonderful and three cookies will be heaven." Those things just aren't true.

I'm hoping that my newfound realizations that I should eat sweets in moderation, and only if I actually want them, and stop after a couple will extend into the months to come. Then this month won't have been in vain. In the meantime, bring on the cupcakes... err, cupcake.


jordan said...

that cupcake looks delicious, and I don't even love sweets. good for you.

Kate said...

In fairness to you, if all the sweets you've been eating look as perfect as the cupcake in the pic, its no wonder you over-indulged! That's hard core yumminess right there!