

There are days that I come home from a run refreshed and energized and feeling like I could keep running and running.

And there are days like today where my body says I. am. not. running. After which a battle ensues where I try to reason with my heavy feet ("we did this yesterday, remember? it wasn't that bad then... it won't be today either") and subdue my muscles that are balking at the idea of any sort of movement. Usually I lose this battle and shorten my run or take a break and walk for awhile.

Today, however, I pushed through the sucky lack of motivation... or coordination... or energy... or something. And I have to tell you, I was pleasantly surprised. Turns out that sometimes persevering is just what my body needs. Sometime after the dreadfully terrible first mile, we figured out a compromise, my body and me. Albeit, my run was more of a shuffle (that was part of the compromise) and it took me a solid few minutes to catch up with and pass a man on a walk... more accurately an old man on a stroll... But we finished a few miles and are going to call that success for today.

I wonder how productive I could be if I pushed through my lack of motivation for the rest of the items that stay at the bottom of my to-do list?

1 comment:

Kimiko said...

and THAT is why running has been so monumental for me--the lessons i've learned that apply to all of life. i'll never be good at running, but i think i'll always need it.