
summer in denver!

Unfortunately, it snowed here two. days. ago. I'm pretty sure we're done with that though (gosh, let's hope so!).

In celebration of today's 80 degree weather, I'm declaring it summer in Denver. To mark this momentous occasion, mom and I went for a 10 mile run (in the morning before it got too hot) and Burke and I played in the backyard all afternoon.

And I made my favorite outside-in-the-warm-weather treats: shaken iced tea and lemonade with a pump of raspberry and two pumps of valencia (starbucks syrups courtesy of kiji) and edamame with chili powder and garlic salt. Random, huh? But that's what I used to take to the pool as treats when we lived in the apartment and I had a pool and the tradition has continued. Just making these two things puts me in a good mood.

Let's hope this weather of glory sticks.

ps- So you know, I didn't take either of those pictures, just found them on google images.


Kimiko said...

so, i was reading that you can "easily" grow edamame (soybeans), just like peas. so now i'm on the hunt for soybean starters. because HOW WONDERFUL would it be to grow our own edamame?!?! do you like how I keep zeroing in on the more obscure vegetables?

kirstin said...

LOVE that plan... love it!