
mark's going away party

Earlier this week, Burke and I headed down the Springs to attend Mark's (adam's dad's) retirement party at the Young Life Service Center. I didn't take many pictures, but was so blessed to be there and thought I'd try to articulate a bit about why.

His friends and colleagues put together such a special, heartfelt, "Mark"-ish send off... they catered lunch from El Taco Rey (oh how he loves that place) and gave him thoughtful notes and gifts. Oh, and they got a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake. Burke said, "Wow," with every bite.

My favorite part, though, was when they opened the floor for people to share stories and memories and things they appreciate about Mark. People told funny stories about him winning the annual ping pong championship, they shared how they'd been impacted by his perseverance and faith in the midst of trial, they talked about how, as part of his work in the camping department, Mark has implemented various tools over the last 10+ years that will continue to impact Young Life camps for years to come, I heard about his integrity many (many!) times... It was such a sweet thing to be a part of.

I mean, we know how super Mark is, but it was so clear at this going away party that his friends and colleagues have a similar love for him and appreciation for the way he's lived his life that we do. That is such a special thing! I'm thankful for the people who are supporting the Gentry's, and even more thankful for the legacy of faith that Mark is building.

1 comment:

Evette said...

Thank you, Kirstin, so very much for coming down to the party and sharing this special time with us. It was a great time of seeing old friends and I believe was honoring to the Lord and to Mark. We have some amazing brothers and sisters in Christ and are blessed by their love for us.