
if only you could bottle rest...

killing time (and eating free chicken strips) at chick fil a

after a few laps around the mall

Since Burke came early and I went to the middleeast more than a week after Keadryn was born, my experience with past-your-due-date-waiting is fairly limited. I mean, I know most people have babies after their due dates. And I've talked to several (very frustrated) friends about how stir crazy you go when you are waiting on an overripe Little One to pop out. But I've never experienced the sit-and-stare-at-the-belly-and-wait phenomenon firsthand.

It's tricky. You can't really make plans because really, you'll be going into labor any day and what if today is that day? And if your mom is like our mom, there isn't any cleaning to do because the cabinets and pantry have already been organized, the kitchen floor was scrubbed yesterday, the laundry is all washed and folded and the bathrooms were just cleaned. Even the front walk and drive way are all swept clean. Seriously.

We've been eating spicy food, popcorn and pineapples (don't worry Laura, Jord likes pineapple), going on plenty of walks, and rubbing Jordi's feet and acupressure points, but to no avail. When she was pregnant with Keadryn, Jord even drank castor oil- it ruined her for ever trying that again.

I keep thinking about how chill things are right now and fast forwarding in my head to a few days from now when things will be anything but chill around here. If only we could save a little bit of this time and rest for later.

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